Saturday 18 November 2017

Daughter's Anniversary

Surfer Girl and her daughter with a close family friend

Today I am sharing the link to a post I wrote two years ago for the wedding anniversary of my daughter and son-in-law. It was a fun post to write and the joy of their marriage continues today, on this, their 11th wedding anniversary.

Since that post was written, they have added one more pup to their family and we have moved out of snow country to the Land of Flip Flops. (we no longer have to buy a plane ticket to see them!!!)

Happy Anniversary, Surfer Girl and Surfer Boy!

Click on this link to see the post:  A Completely True Story

P.S. If the allegory of the post leaves you clueless, leave a comment and I'll explain. 😉

Friday 17 November 2017

Cara Setting Anonytun Untuk Indosat Ooredoo Internet Gratis OPOK Terbaru

Cara Setting Anonytun Untuk Indosat Ooredoo Internet Gratis OPOK Terbaru
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Thursday 16 November 2017

A Discourse on Anger

an old house, like old people, has a lot of memories

Perhaps you have seen that cartoon on Face Book of some gray-haired, wrinkle-faced people where one of them is saying, "We didn't get this old by being stupid."

Truth be told, those same people most likely did their share of unwise things along the road of life, but to reach their age, many of them probably learned from their experiences and did their best to avoid more missteps after that.

One lesson that's been hard for me to learn, but very beneficial, is to not hold onto anger. Scripture tells us to "be angry and sin not." (Ephesians 4:26) That tells me a couple of things:

1) it's not necessarily a sin to be angry. Anger is a feeling, an emotion that rises up when we experience injustice or pain or other unhappiness of some kind. It just comes, usually without us looking for it. It just does that. 

2) there is a tendency to sin when we are angry, but we don't have to. It's a choice we make, how we respond to anger.

3) since anger tends to bring out the worst in us, we have to work hard to not let it take control of us. Anger is very powerful.

Those are some conclusions I've made while turning that verse over in my mind. But then there's the practical application. Learning what to do with anger is a big deal. We are all too familiar with examples of those who have not handled their rage wisely. Unfortunately, we are seeing examples of that on an increasingly serious level nearly every day in the news.

I have had anger about some things in my life. In my more sane moments, I have prayed about it. I have asked the Lord what I am supposed to do with the burning emotions that churn in my midsection at the very thought of particular injustices in my personal life.

Some of those memories stem from decades ago, some more recent. All of them figure around scenarios when I was doing what I thought, in all honesty, was the right thing to do. Yet people and/or circumstances responded in ways that knocked all sense of peace out of my mind. 

How did I respond?

One time I was very hurt and felt helpless to stick up for myself, so I licked my wounds and retreated. The relationship was permanently damaged and we've been doing our best to just keep the peace ever since. That's one way to deal with anger.

In another time with another person, I was much older and although I stood up for myself, my response was not accepted. I spent many months in depression, and my physical health began to deteriorate. I was miserable with my anger and made those close to me uncomfortable as well. A misunderstanding of my motive caused a burning anger that pasted a scowl on my face, although I was not especially aware of it.

Resolution of that situation came when an innocent comment was made to me and I flew off the handle, letting loose a tirade of words to a completely innocent person. 

Thankfully, that same person was understanding of such behavior and was able to lead me to understand that my anger was not resolving the problem and was certainly not hurting the one who had offended me. 

Yet I was slowly destroying myself with my negative emotions. I learned to let the matter drop, to cease from replaying the event over in my mind and to walk away from the problem. The one who started it all was not going to come around to my way of seeing things, so to preserve myself, I would have to just let the matter go. I did that and surprisingly, immediate peace flooded through me. People told me the scowl was gone. It was a dramatic thing.

Sometimes repressed anger comes back to the surface many years later. I don't know why that is. I guess it just can't stay pushed out of the way indefinitely. It eventually has to be brought out in the open where we can examine it, perhaps now with the years of maturity.  

That happened to me a few years ago. Old emotional garbage surfaced and I realized I would have to do something about it. Repressing it again was not the answer, nor was continuing to be angry. 

In that case, I gave a lot of thought about the people who had brought me such pain. I considered in as an unbiased a way as I could muster why they would do what they did, why they said what they said. Admittedly, being a lot older helped me to see things better from their perspective 

I was able to conclude that although their actions and words were truly not the best, they were doing the best they could with the circumstances in which they found themselves and the information they had been given. The choices they made were not what I would have chosen had I been in charge, but that is the way it went and it affected me accordingly. 

What really brought sense to all of this for me was the realization that nothing, absolutely nothing, comes to me that is not first filtered through the hands of God -- and God loves me! 

Yes, I could say (and I have!) that He has a funny way of showing me His love when He allows certain things to affect me.  But the truth is, He does love me and His reasons for allowing the bad stuff are, right now, beyond my understanding, but nonetheless good.

For those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and allow Him to be the Lord of our lives, we have to believe that He is working out all things for our good. (Romans 8:28) The tough stuff makes us mature, wise, caring, compassionate, and so many other good things. 

But if we allow ourselves to replay in our thoughts the hurts over and again, we harm ourselves greatly. We turn out to be our worst enemy.

Then there is the matter of forgiveness. We have to forgive those who have offended us. Do they deserve forgiveness? 

Of course not! But we have been forgiven by God and we didn't deserve it, either. We need to not hold the offenses against them because God is not holding our bad stuff against us. 

We need to let them go and let God deal with them. We may not be able to see how He is dealing with them, but since He is faithful to deal with me when I'm in the wrong, I am sure He is dealing with them as well. Just let them go and move on. 

Old houses and old people. Both have seen a lot in their lifetimes. Both have many stories to tell. But the best stories are the ones that end with letting go of the hurts, turning them over to God, and getting on with our lives. 

4 Aplikasi Internet Gratis Tanpa SSH dan Payload / Config

4 Aplikasi Internet Gratis Tanpa SSH dan Payload / Config
4 Aplikasi Internet Gratis Tanpa SSH dan Payload / Config - Seiring berkembangnya teknologi banyak tangan kreatif yang mamanfaatkan bug dari operator untuk internet gratis atau merubah jenis kuota tertentu menjadi kuota reguler 24 jam. Tentu saja untuk menjalankan internet gratis kita perlu bantuan aplikasi VPN (virtual private network) untuk mengalihkan jaringan server. Banyak aplikasi VPN yang

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Observing November in the Land of Flip Flops

our front door
We continue to make note of the differences between living in Colorado and Florida as the seasons come and go. My family and friends out west have told us about the snow storms they've already had in recent weeks, while we decorate within spitting distance of tall palm trees in our still very green yard. There is no traditional autumn color here but the shades of green are beautiful.

wrapping Christmas gifts

Christmas gifts are getting wrapped and the grocery list for Thanksgiving dinner has been made without any concerns for a debilitating blizzard to put a snafu in the plans.  They tell us hurricane season doesn't officially end until November 30th, but the forecast looks like we'll be okay from here on out.

yes, that is clean laundry neatly stacked on the bed

The afternoon sunshine filters through the blinds on the west side of the house with intriguing patterns. I often have to just stop and marvel at the beautiful sight. 

beside St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville
This past Sunday after church and lunch, we changed our clothes and drove downtown. We wanted to settle the question of where to park when we take out-of-town guests to the river walk.

The Lone Sailor statue at the Southbank Riverwalk, Jacksonville
After living in the Rocky Mountain west for so long, it has been very interesting to poke around the nautical sights of our new home. Jax is a big Navy town.

Jaguars' Everbank stadium
We don't claim to be Jacksonville Jaguars fans (although our Denver Broncos are a sorry team this season); but we did enjoy the cheers of local fans wafting across the river as we strolled along.

my veteran
Speaking of football and recent controversies, we hung our flag out for the first time in this new house on Veterans Day. Yes, we believe people should stand for the national anthem.

LED Cafe lights on the back porch
Beloved hung lights around the ceiling of the screened-in back porch and then built a ladder to hold the remainder of the string. I added some silk grape vines. I plan to buy some plastic grape clusters from Hobby Lobby to fill in the blank spots, giving our private refuge from the world a bit of an Italian ambience (neither of us are Italian, but we like to eat at The Olive Garden).

Beloved grilled our dinner
We love this quiet hide-a-way nestled near the forest. I still marvel at the Lord's goodness to give me this particular desire of my heart.

our local mall decorated for Christmas
We made a trip to the mall where, as I raised my camera, Santa waved to us from the lower level.

Did you know much of the Thanksgiving decor at Hobby Lobby
is on sale now for 80% off? 

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, Beloved reminded me of a cartoon where the turkey is telling Santa Claus, "Wait your turn, fat boy!"

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD,
and to sing praises unto thy name,
O Most High:
To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning,
and thy faithfulness every night.
Psalm 92:1-2

Sunday 12 November 2017

In Case You Thought I Forgot .....

the Pilgrim People
..... the Pilgrim People made the trip with us from Colorado to Florida this past summer. MANY things were purged from my collection of stuff, but these friends were carefully packed away in a box for the relocation. 

making their entrance

Whereas they used to be in a box stored in the depths of our gigantic basement and every November they had to climb up the stairs to the main floor; this year their box is kept in an upstairs closet, hence, this year's grand entrance was a trip down the stairs.

 facial expressions say so much
Last November, an out-of-state move was one of the farthest things from our minds, so when the Pilgrim People were packed away in December, they had no inkling of what would happen as they slumbered among crumpled sheets of packing paper.

"a merry heart does good ..." Proverbs 17:22
I'll just say that the reactions to this surprising move were varied, reflecting human nature where some are cheerful most of the time and others are cranky more pensive.

a peek into my personal dressing closet
One bright little personality caught a glimpse of a sign I keep in my closet and took the cue to be positive about this change. She and her hubby took up their assigned stations with an attitude that set a good example for the rest.

Speaking of assignments, some locations have more prominence than others, but I appreciate their willingness to serve.

I'm still looking for just the right wall decor to go below the cabinet 
Others are now residing near the family room television and in the kitchen (where their assistance with mealtimes is appreciated).

what will it take to make them happy?!!!

So yes, I have remembered the Pilgrim People and they are adding to the Thanksgiving theme we've got going in our new Florida home. I am glad to have them on display. We love living here, but for the most part, the flora and fauna outdoors still look like summertime. It's good to have the oranges and browns of my ceramic, resin, and felt friends to add autumnal color.

decor pillow purchased at Hobby Lobby

Saturday 11 November 2017

Gak Susah Kok, Inilah 6 Trick Farming Agar Hero Cepat Naik Level di Mobile legends

Artikel Telah diupdate Pada 4 Februari 2018
6 cara agar hero cepat naik level mobile legend - Ada yang menyebutnya fast farming, fast leveling atau nuyul, yang pasti artinya sama yaitu cara cepat naik level hero di mobile legend. Sebelum masuk ke pembahasan trick farming Mobile legends atau ML, kalian tau farming artinya apa? Nah bagi yang belum tahu, arti farming dalam mobile legend adalah aktifitas untuk menaikan level hero ml dengan cara menghabisi monster hutan. Nah klo arti jugling apa ya? ya artinya sama. Nah beda halnya dengan clear lane. Clear lane merupakan aktifitas untuk menghabisi minion yang menuju turret. Jadi sekarang kalian tau kan, pengertian apa itu farming dan apa itu clear lanes?

Hero di Mobile Legends mempunyai level setiap pertandingan. Pada awal pertandingan, hero akan berada di level 1. Lalu, level tersebut akan bertambah jika kalian membunuh Hero, Monster Hutan, turtle, lord, Minion atau Turrent. Batas level hero di Mobile Legends sampai level 15.

Lalu, apa sih manfaat farming dan clear lane? manfaat farming dan clear lane adalah menambah level, jika level bertambah maka damage, kecepatan, HP atau lainya akan semakin bertambah. Semakin tinggi level hero di Mobile Legends, maka kekuatan Hero sesungguhnya akan terasa.

Sangat disarankan agar kalian terus meningkatkan level hero kalian agar Damage, Kecepatan, HP dll bisa semakin meningkat. Jika demikian, saat kalian duel 1v1 dengan musuh, kesempatan untuk menang sangat banyak. Nah, karena begitu pentingnya meningkatkan level hero di mobile legends, kali ini saya akan memberi trik cepat naik level mobile legend

6 Trick Fast Leveling Hero di Mobile legends

1). Gunakan Item Jungle
Cara cepat naik level hero mobile legend yang pertama yaitu beli item jungle. Jika kalian menginginkan hero kalian cepat naik level dan bisa cepat farming, maka kalian harus membeli item jungle. Apa sih fungsi item jungle di Mobile legends? Fungsi item jungle di ML yaitu untuk menambah damage hero dan mendapatkan tambahan exp saat Farming atau Jugling.

Jika kalian belum terbiasa farming, sebaiknya kalian beli yang harga 280 saja, fungsinya menambah exp saat farming, namun tidak menambah damage kepada monster. Apabila kalian sudah terbiasa dan sering farming, kalian sebaiknya pakai item yang harga 700-an. Dari ketiga item tersebut, fungsinya sama yaitu menambah damage dan exp saat farming, namun yang membedakanya yaitu skill pasifnya. Jadi item jungle juga berfungsi untuk memperlambat pergerakan musuh. Tidak saya sarankan untuk membeli tem yang 1700/1800-an karena terlalu mahal, dan efeknya masih sama dengan yang 700-an.

2). Bunuh Minion
cara cepat naik level hero mobile legend yang selanjutnya yaitu membunuh minion. Membunuh minion yang menuju ke turret atau biasa disebut clear lane juga merupakan cara untuk meningkatkan level hero kalian. intinya, semakin banyak minion yang kalian bunuh, maka exp yang didapat juga semakin banyak.. Ingat tetap hati hati dan waspada jika ada musuh yang mendekat, jangan sampai kalian keciduk. Meningkatkan level hero dengan cara ini memiliki manfaat lain diantaranya, menjaga turrent dari serangan musuh, manambah gold dan mencari informasi tentang keberadaan musuh.

Kebanyakan para noob player di ML sering mementingkan farming(bunuh monster hutan) daripada clear lane(bunuh minion). Padahal menurut gua, Trick Naikin Level hero yang paling penting yaitu clear lanes, bukan farming. Jika disuruh memilih, gua sih milih clear lane daripada farming, karena level hero bakal lebih cepat naik karena clear lanes. Jika tidak percaya, coba aja

3). Bunuhlah Lord dan Turtle
Nah untuk melakukan hal ini, disarankan kalian melakukanya bersama dengan team kalian. Mengapa demikian, Kedua monster diatas memiliki damage yang cukup besar, terutama Lord. Jika kalian berhasil membunuh salah satu monster diatas, Seluruh Hero satu team termasuk hero kalian akan bertambah level dan Gold. Ingat, Mintalah bantuan team kalian saat menyerang lord atau turtle.
formasi 113 biasanya digunakan para pro player. Biasanya hero Assasin/fighter ditugaskan untuk solo, begitu juga mm/mage solo mid, sedangkan 3 hero lainya berada di lane dekat turtle untuk menyerang turtle. Hal itu akan menyebabkan hero yang solo cepat naik level, sedangkan hero yang bertiga akan mendapatkan turtle.

4). Bunuh Hero musuh
Cara cepat naik level hero mobile legend yang ketiga ini agak sedikit beresiko. Kalian bisa saja terbunuh oleh hero lain jika tidak hati hati. Ada beberapa tips yang harus diperhatikan sebelum ingin membunuh Hero musuh. Pertama, Pastikan HP (nyawa) Hero kalian Full. Kedua, bekerjasamalah dengan temanmu. ketiga, Jangan sampai kalian melawan 2 hero lawan sekaligus tanpa ada kerjasama dengan teman (kecuali hal tertentu). Ingat, kalian harus senantiasa main aman dan Nafsu, meskipun musuh sekarat, jika kalian merasa tidak mampu ya gausah dikejar yang ada nanti kalian mati sia sia.
5). Hancurkan Turrent lawan
Perlu diperhatikan,turrent memiliki damage yang besar terhadap hero. Meskipun hero sudah level 15, kemungkinan besar hero kita akan mati jika nekat menghancurkan turrent sendiri. Oleh karena itu, seranglah turrent bersama dengan minion. Dengan demikian, turrent akan sibuk membunuh minion, dan kita juga akan lebih mudah menghancurkan turrent.

6). BunuhMonster hutan (farming)
Membunuh monster hutan atau biasa disebut farming merupakan hal yang wajib, namun jangan hanya fokus ke farming, saran gua agar kalian lebih fokus ke clear lane. Nah ada beberapa cara farming di mobile legend yang patut kalian praktekan agar level hero kalian cepat naik.

  1. Fokus clear lane, jadikan farming sebagai sampingan
  2. Gunakan retribution dahulu, lalu keluarin skill, fungsinya agar damage dari skill bisa meningkat
  3. Tidak egois. Maksudnya lihat siapa yang lebih membutuhkan, jika ada team kalian yang mananya mau abis, kasih monster hutan tersebut ke team yang membutuhkan. 
  4. Farming seperlunya, maksudnya bila kalian ada di posisi top lane (lane atas), farming di bagian atas aja, gausah farming sampai bottom lane karena kalian bakal buang buang waktu
  5. jika mampu, colong monster hutan di daerah lawan. Cara jungling/farming yang satu ini agak beresiko.
  6. Selalu perhatikan map
Penting!! Jika kalian ingin farming, kalian harus clear lane terlebih dahulu agar tower kalian tidak terserang. Jadi intinya clear lane lalu farming, clear lane lalu farming dan seterusnya. Dengan cara itu kalian bisa meningkatkan level hero Mobile legends secara cepat bahkan tanpa harus kill musuh atau hancurin turret

Sedikit tips jugling atau farming mengenai Buff. Jadi apa arti buff di mobile legend? buff mobile legend adalah efek ketika kita membunuh monster hutan. Nah ada 2 Buff di Mobile Legends, yaitu buff biasa untuk menambah exp dan gold, dan blue buff yang bisa menambah exp, gold dan efek tertentu. Jadi blue buff bisa kita dapatkan setelah kill monster hutan bernama spinner (warna ungu). Tiap tipe hero memiliki efek buff sendiri sendiri, misalnya assasin, mm dan mage untuk menghemat mana dan mempersingkat cooldown

Siapa Hero yang pantas ambil blue buff? Buff bisa memberikan exp, gold dan efek yang banyak untuk hero kita. sehingga blue buff biasanya jadi rebutan. Nah siapa hero yang pantas ambil blue buff? hero yang wajib menggunkan buff yaitu fanny. Tanpa buff, fanny bakal boros energi dan bisa menjadi hero yang tidak berguna. jadi jangan sampai kalian colong buff milik fanny. Untuk role hero yang pantas ambil buff yaitu Assasin(assasin murni), MM, Mage(tertentu seperti kagura, cyclops, harley) dan Fighter.

Baca Juga
Pada dasarnya, kelemahan player pemula yaitu sering sekali jungle, namun minion lawan tidak dibunuh, dan turrent tidak dijaga. Selain itu, tidak pernah mempertimbangkan resiko meninggalkan turret. Jadi please, buat para player pemula, jika kalian jungle, jangan lupakan tanggung jawab kalian untuk menjaga turrent.

Nah itulah 6 cara agar hero cepat naik level saat pertandingan. Apabila kalian sudah menguasai kelima cara diatas. Bukan tidak mungkin, Kalian bisa panen kill dengan cepat. ok, itu saja tips nya semoga bermanfaat

Cara Whatsapp Gratis Tanpa Kuota Internet Telkomsel Terbaru

Cara Whatsapp Gratis Tanpa Kuota Internet Telkomsel Terbaru
Cara Whatsapp Gratis Tanpa Kuota Internet Telkomsel Terbaru - Chatting sudah menjadi rutinitas harian di era gadget sekarang ini agar selalu terhubung dengan teman dan kerabat. Whatsapp atau yang sekarang lebih dikenal dengan singkatan WA, menjadi aplikasi messenger yang saat ini banyak digunakan oleh pengguna gadget. Pasalnya Whatsapp memiliki fitur yang lengkap serta kelebihan Whatsapp jika di

2 cara memperbaiki nox yang berhenti di 99%

2 cara memperbaiki nox yang berhenti di 99%
Sekarang ini kita hidup di jaman windows diandroidkan. ya maksudnya itu laptop/pc windows bisa untuk menjalankan aplikasi android. aplikasi android bisa dijalankan di pc/laptop windows dengan menggunakan android emuator. contohnya anda bisa menjalankan permainan pokemon go di laptop/pc dengan menggunakan nox.
namun ada saja pengguna nox yang kecewa lantaran aplikasi nox nya hanya stuck di 99% saat membuka nox. apalagi pas anda ingin sekali bermain pokemon go di laptop namun saat membuka nox, yang hanya nox cuma stuck di 99%. untuk itulah anda jangan beranjak karena disini saya akan memberi 2 solusi saat nox stuck di 99%. tutorial ini akan sangat membantu anda yang suka mencari pokemon di pc dengan fake GPS dan BOT, hehehe.

2 cara memperbaiki nox yang stuck di 99%

saya akan membagikan 2 cara sekaligus yang insyaalah bisa membantu anda. cara ini sangat efisien ketimbang memperbaiki nox dengan cara menginstal ulang pc/komputer, atau bahkan mendownload emulator lainya yang agak berat.

A). cara 1

1). klik kanan aplikasi nox, lalu pilih properties. setelah itu terdapat berbagai pilihan. lalu anda pencet compatibility.masukkan deskripsi gambar disini
2).pencet centang pada run the program in compatibility mode for. setelah itu, pilih windows yang kamu pakai. karena saya menggunakan windows 7, maka saya pilih windows 7.masukkan deskripsi gambar disini

B).cara 2

sebelum melangkah ke cara 2 ini, anda diharuskan untuk mendownload aplikasi windows repair disini .setelah itu, praktekkan cara kedua ini guys
1). buka aplikasi nox dengan run as administrator. dengan cara klik kanan aplikasi nox, lalu pilih run as administratormasukkan deskripsi gambar disini
2).buka windows repairnyamasukkan deskripsi gambar disini
3).setelah windows repair terbuka, pilih repairs lalu open repairs.masukkan deskripsi gambar disini
4). langsung pencet start repairmasukkan deskripsi gambar disini
setelah itu tunggu sekitar 30 menit hingga 2 jam. jadi harap bersabar ya guys. dan juga saat repair akan membuka cmd (comand promt) secara automatis, sehingga jangat kaget aja. saat repair, loadingnya biasanya stuck di 1/25 atau 3/25, nah itu jangan di close aplikasinya dahulu. itu nanti akan berjalan dengan sendirinya.
bermanfaat bukan? setelah itu anda pasti akan membuka pokemon go kan? ditambah lagi menggunakan fake GPS. itulah tutorial saya kali ini.

[CA] Cara Halal Dapat Ribuan Diamond Crisis Action Gratis

Cara halal dan Gratis Mendapatkan Diamond Crisis Action tanpa cheat -Ok guys kali ini gua akan membegikan cara untuk mendapatkan diamond crisis action secara gratis dan mudah. Bagi kalian yang baca ini, kalian pasti tau lah sulitnya dapet diamond di game CA, nah untuk itu, gua akan membagikan cara untuk mendapatkan diamond tersebut secara gratis. Mengenai cara tersebut sangatlah mudah tanpa cheat dan akan dijelaskan dengan gambar step by step. Jadi kalian pasti akan paham. 

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5. Jika kode tersebut sudah muncul silahkan lanjut ke langkah berikutnya.

Setting Negara di Google Wallet Menjadi US

Sebelum melakukan reedem code yang tadi sobat dapatkan dari whaff rewards sobat harus terlebih dahulu men-setting pengaturan google wallet /google payment sobat karena kode dari whaff rewards tersebut hanya bisa diterapkan dinegara US Amerika jadi yang kita butuhkan adalah merubah setting negara di google wallet kita menjadi US agar kita bisa menggunakan kode nya berikut caranya.

1. Login atau buat dulu Google Wallet menggunakan akun Google sobat.
2. Setelah itu, masuk ke bagian Settings klik pada bagian Home Address lalu samakan alamatnya ikuti seperti gambar dibawah.

3. Jika sudah setting Klik Save Jika ada konfirmasi lanjutan klik Accept dan Continue
4. Sampai di sini sobat sudah berhasil mengatur agar Google Wallet dapat menerima pembayaran dari WHAFF rewards.

Penukaran Kode (Redeem Code) Ke Google Play

Selanjutnya adalah menerapkan Redeem Code yang sudah sobat dapatkan tadi ke Google Play simak langkah langkahnya.

1. Buka Google Play Store sobat.
2. Klik menu lalu pilih Tukarkan

3. Lalu masukkan Kode Penukaran yang tadi sobat dapatkan dari Whaff Rewards lalu klik Tukarkan maka secara otomatis saldo google play sobat akan terisi $10.5

4. Selesai tinggal sobat masuk ke tahap akhir yaitu pembelian Diamond Crisis Actiondi SHOP.

Pembelian Diamond Crisis Action di SHOP

1. Silahkan buka game Crisis Action sobat.
2. Kemudian masuk ke bagian SHOP di game Crisis Actio
3. Lalu Pilih diamond Crisis Action yang harganya kurang dari $10.5

4. Kemudian Konfirmasi pembelian Diamond Crisis Actions dengan menekan TombolBeli disini mimin cuma beli yang 300 diamond sobat bisa memilihnya yang lain sesuai keinginan sobat.

5. Langsung Tekan Konfirmasi Maka secara otomatis Diamond akan bertambah ke akun sobat.

6. Untuk menambah lebih banyak diamond Crisis Action silahkan ulang ulangi cara diatas.
*itu adalah screenshoot game CA versi dulu, walaupun beda versi, namun 100% pasti WORK
Berikut adalah Cara Mendapatkan Diamond Crisis Action Gratis yang bisa sobat terapkan, untuk membuktikan bahwa cara ini benar silahkan sobat coba saja sendiri tapi jangan nyesel ya kalo nggak nyoba, karena mimin udah buktiin sendiri itu di screenshoot tadi diatas hehe oke sekian dan terima kasih selamat mencoba.