Friday 18 August 2017

Food for the Soul

the backyard of The Brown Bungalow,
edited from my former neighbor's camera

Karren texted me a snapshot of my flower bed at The Brown Bungalow. It was refreshing to see the "legacy" of flowers in one of Beloved's raised planter beds, as well as the three Austrian Pines lined up near the back fence. 

The white and pink flowers are Cosmos; the taller purple-flowered bush is Veronia Speedwell. She is a transplant from my brother-in-law's yard in the Midwest. 

With closer inspection based upon the four years we lived in The Brown Bungalow, I also see some rebel weeds growing out there.

The last time I saw that yard was nearly two months ago, so what we see now is the result of our planting and regular watering by the sprinkler and drip line systems in our absence, as well as some slackness in weeding since the house is still vacant and it no longer belongs to us.

You could say that this is our legacy, to those who are still in the neighborhood of the The Brown Bungalow.

I am reminded of a verse my mother wrote inside the cover of a Bible she gave to me years ago:

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

III John 4

Every day, Beloved and I pray together for our children. We do our best to live so they will be influenced to wholeheartedly follow the Lord. It is our desire to leave a godly legacy (a 'flower garden') that will help others to see God's love and eternal provision for them through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

The most satisfying moments of our lives are when we see our children following the Lord.

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