Saturday 7 October 2017

The Light House

Light house at St. Augustine 
We visited the light house on a sunny afternoon when the sky was relatively clear and the temperature comfortably warm.

Keeper's house at the base of the lighthouse
It towers tall above trees, an elementary school, and older homes, visible from the highway.

black winding stairs inside the light house
We paid about $12 each to climb 219 steep, thigh-burning steps to the top.

looking at the stairs above us as we climbed
It was an exercise not for the faint of heart, and yet if one held onto the rails and made steady progress, it was doable. 

Stair-climbing etiquette is not a universal language, we discovered, but needful.

The rails were a great help when the continual turning threatened a haze of dizziness.

looking down at the ground floor near the start of the climb
I gave brief thought to not going all the way to the top, but chose to continue and let people pass if need be.

my vanity popped up when we reached this sign
Small signs acknowledging various people dotted the white-washed brick wall as we made our ascent.

boats in the intracoastal waterway with the Atlantic ocean on the horizon
The climb was worth the effort because the view was perfect.

bridge over Matanzas Bay in St. Augustine
I love to see things from high above. The views are always an interesting study, to note the activities of man, to observe mini-stories unfold as people walk, cars move, boats sail. It's a reminder of how God sees us...

For the eyes of the LORD
range throughout the earth
to strengthen those whose hearts
are fully committed to him.
II Chronicles 16:9

from Beloved's camera

* * * * *
Comments closed for the weekend.

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