Thursday 5 October 2017

A Homily from the Beach

Thoughts inspired by today's trip to watch the full moon rise over the Atlantic Ocean ...

Atlantic Beach, Florida about 90 minutes before high tide, 25 minutes before moon rise
Life ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows.
sand dunes keep the waves from surging into the hotels and homes
Some of our days are more pretty than others.

rough seas and dangerous conditions for swimmers and surfers
What is a great challenge and fun to some 
is terrifying to others.

dirty seam foam blows in the wind
One person's dream-come-true can be messy 
for their companions.

helpful information

We do well to not throw caution to the wind
but to heed the wisdom of experience.

beached palm tree from Hurricane Irma
Some pay dearly for careless choices.

Beloved's photo of the full moon rising over the Atlantic
When times grow dark
discipline, self-control, and heeding wise instruction
provide comforting protection.

the full moon reflecting on the ocean water

The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27

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