Tuesday 19 September 2017

A Quick Wednesday Hodgepodge

Well.... I spent my blogging time tonight redesigning my header (above) so now I  need to rush through the weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge questions. Tomorrow I'll join the other participating bloggers at this link: 

1. What's something you'd rate a 10/10? Tell us why.

Canned cherry pie filling. It never disappoints me. If I didn't know better, I'd eat a whole can of the stuff and call it dinner.

2. What job would you be terrible at? What makes you think so?

I would be an absolutely terrible cashier. I am not good with math/arithmetic/numbers. 

3. When did you last take a fall? What's something you're falling for (in a good way) these days?

There's my famous fall on December 6, 2008 when I fell from the kitchen counter while putting decorations above the cabinets, shattering my left shoulder and getting a replacement the very next day.

As for what I'm falling for now? Living in Florida with more family members and the ocean nearby. It's very nice.

4. According to the Travel Channel here are some of America's best fall festivals-

National Apple Harvest Festival (near Arendtsville PA, close to Gettysburg), Harvest on the Harbor (Portland Maine), German Village Festival (Columbus Ohio), Wellfleet Oyster Fest (Cape Cod), and Wine and Chile Fiesta (Santa Fe NM)

Have you ever been to any of the festivals listed? Which one appeals to you most? Does your hometown have any sort of fall celebration, and if so will you make it a point to attend?

I'd like to go to the Harvest on the Harbor in Portland, Maine. I don't know if Jacksonville has a festival -- right now people are pretty busy with cleaning up after Hurricane Irma.

5. What is your goodbye message to summer?

Is it really "good-bye" to summer when I live in Florida??  Compared to the last twenty years in Colorado, I think not.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Disasters are coming more often these days: hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, shootings, protests.  Here is some thought provoking scripture from Matthew 24:35-39

Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away.
but of that day and hour
knoweth no man,
no, not the angels of heaven, 
but my Father only.
But as in the days of Noah were,
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood
they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage,
until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, 
and took them all away;
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Linking up at

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