Wednesday 26 July 2017

Hello to the Hodgepodge!

After over 3 months away from the weekly Hodgepodge, I'm back. When I checked to see the last time I had submitted replies to the Hodgepodge questions, I was surprised it had been so long (April 5th). 

It was just 10 days after that when Beloved and I began the inquiry into a cross-country move from Colorado to Florida and that adventure took on a life of its own, so to speak. By April 26th we had flown to our new home town, put a contract on a house and contacted our realtor in Denver to put The Brown Bungalow on the market. 

Blessedly, our house sold immediately. We closed on that house on June 16th and closed on the house in Jacksonville on June 26th. It has been a whirlwind that [for the most part] has settled down in just the past week. 

That said, it's good to be back with the Hodgepodge community. Let's see what questions Joyce has given us for today:

1. We've reached edition number 315 here in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. So tell us, what were you doing at 3:15 yesterday?  Is that typical? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high) what's your energy level usually like at 3:15PM?

We went to Whole Foods to buy specialty items we can't find at Walmart or Publix. Usually I try to do my grocery shopping earlier in the day because I am a morning person and by mid-afternoon, I start to drag.

2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball ... which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.

I'll say I've had a frisbee sent my way, meaning that although I was NOT expecting it, it just glided into my hands. I'm referring to this move of 1, 724 miles cross country. While it's unrealistic to think there won't be any curve balls in a venture of this magnitude, the move went very well. The Lord has blessed us at every stage.

3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.

1) I'd like to find a dedicated health foods store besides Whole Foods. If I don't, I'll need to shop the Internet. I enjoy Whole Foods but there are some things they don't carry. The smaller health food chains I'm familiar with in Orlando and Denver are not in this city.

2) We are actively seeking the Lord's guidance on a new church home. As life-long Southern Baptists so far, we have visited 3 SBC churches and there are more out there because we are in the 'Bible belt,' (which is a big difference from out west in Colorado).  It is fun to visit around to see what the various congregations are like, but we do want to settle on one sooner rather than later.

3) We look forward to making new friends here, people we can really bond with.

4. Do you think you're strong? Why or why not? What makes  you strong?

Physically: no I'm not all that strong
Mentally: I'm average
Emotionally: well, I cry easily
Spiritually: hat comes from my relationship with God and He does some pretty amazing things in my life.

Daily Bible reading, prayer and meditation make me stronger. 

Healthy eating also makes me stronger (going against my food allergies and intolerances is a quick way to really bring me down).

5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?

I can't seem to find the time to just sit down and read nearly as much as I would like, but when I do, historical fiction is my favorite. I don't have a favorite book because I never re-read a book. But when I do get to read, I most enjoy historical fiction based  on Bible characters. In the past I've read about Old Testament Esther, David and Noah; New Testament Mary the mother of Christ, Paul, Mary Magdalene, Martha, and others.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Here's a snapshot of our house taken from our back porch the other night:
looking through the windows to the family room,
breakfast nook, kitchen, and the stairs to the second story

This picture was taken from the covered back patio, which the locals refer to as a "lanai." I don't relate to that word but prefer the homeyness of "back porch," so that's what I intend to call it. We are in the deep South, after all.

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