Tuesday 5 April 2016

What's a SymROSEium?

The SymROSEium is the catchy new name for the Denver Rose Society's annual educational event.  One of our member's husband coined the word at last year's symposium and the name stuck.  Please join us this year for a fun educational morning.  The garden camaraderie is tops!

It will take place this Saturday, April 9th from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm in Mitchell Hall at Denver Botanic Gardens.  The cost is FREE, but if you're not a member of the Denver Rose Society (DRS) or Denver Botanic Gardens, then you will have to pay the entrance fee to get into DBG.  DRS members need to check in with the member/guest desk located inside the gift shop to the right or north as you enter.  If you're a Denver Botanic Gardens member, just show your card and come right in.

Martha and a Happy Customer!

This year's SymROSEium is not to be missed (skiers have a pass since the spring snow is said to be awesome). Our keynote speaker (for two talks) is Mr. Roger Heins, former Vice-President of Sales and Genetics for Jackson and Perkins Roses and Co-Founder/Sr. V.P. of Etera Gardens.  He currently hybridizes roses and provides consulting services to gardeners and the green industry.  He is a member of the American and Denver Rose Societies, a Colorado Master Gardener, and recent judge of All American Rose Selection test gardens. He continues to judge international rose trials.  Roger co-authored the CSU Fact Sheet update on "Selecting and Planting Roses." Roger will be presenting two programs - "Roses R Us" about hybridizing and his time spent at Jackson and Perkins.  His second talk is "Tips and Myth Busters for Growing Great Roses."

In addition to hearing from Roger, we'll have mini-talks on the most asked about rose growing questions - planting, pruning, pests, diseases and fertilizing.  Bailey Roses has provided outstanding quality bare root roses that will be sold for only $20.00, a steal if you check around on line for prices (plus, hardy ones are hard to find locally).  DRS members will explain you all you need to know about planting and caring for them.

We always have wonderful drawings and new this year is a Silent Auction.  Mile-Hi Rose Feed will be available for purchase and DRS memberships. 
2015 SymROSEium
The Denver Rose Society has been an organized non-profit plant group since 1947, and is one of several societies around the country affiliated with the American Rose Society.  The mission of the group is to spread the love of roses, which means sharing the ones that grow best in our area, how to plant and how to care for roses. My favorite part is stopping to smell them and snip a few for bouquets. 

For additional information check out our website at Denver Rose Society. See you on Saturday! 

Ask and get answers to all your rose questions 

photos in this blog by Gordon Holmes

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