Saturday 20 September 2014

Tomato Tales Part III

Good on ya if you had a productive and healthy tomato season. Between cold nights (lots of them in May and June), more than average moisture (we're up 3-4 inches for the year) and hail (7 times at our house), many tomato plants struggled.  They battled the usual suspects, early blight, blossom end rot and tomato spotted wilt virus. But this season bacterial speck and spot, not often seen in these parts reared its very unattractive head.  I got two out of the four, how about you?

My tomato story is short.  They were planted in late May, pampered early season with cover cloths to ward off the chill and hail, then given lots of room and prepped soil to make up for lost time. Nothing mattered. They were determined to constantly remind me that they were in control or rather Mother Nature was in charge of the number of love apples she was willing to keep healthy. And she took her time to ripen fruit that wasn't hit with disease. I'm still hoping for a few more 'Better Boys' to ripen and enjoy.  We've only had TWO tomato pies this season, a down right culinary disappointment. Tomato Pie

But why complain, it's called gardening.  Expectations are usually in check with gardeners.  Some summers are better then others, and most years we get decent tomatoes, peppers and enough cucumbers to pickle, share or laugh at the ones that grew too large.

Here's my 2014 photo vegetable disease diary, plus some successes.  No need to say a thing, I know we're on my same wavelength...there's always next year.

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Blossom End Rot and Possible Bacterial Spot
Inside tomatoes, white, mealy and tasteless
Tomato Early Blight
Downy Mildew on Basil
Japanese Beetle damage (skeletonized leaves) AND herbicide drift leaf damage (puckering)
Tomato Pie from Colorado Cache Cookbook (my crust needs work)


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