Thursday 18 June 2015

Nothing Like Home Grown

It's hard to believe that some crops are ready for harvest after the last several weeks. The rain, hail and cold (take your pick) delayed or damaged fruits and vegetables this year. Plus it affected landscape plants and trees. Maybe you got lucky and storms went around you, not here in central Denver, we've had five hail storms. Despite the weather conditions my cool season leafy veggies and broccoli did pretty well. Radishes and green onions seemed to grow quicker than normal, maybe they felt our "over the rain" frustration, knowing how we yearned for something home grown! We've been enjoying fresh lettuce and kale for a few weeks and will enjoy some broccoli in our salad tonight.  It wasn't easy keeping all the rain from drenching these plants day after day. The easy tunnel system protected and kept them growing and happy.  After all they like cool weather and we had plenty in April, May and early June. 

Now it's time to turn the page and focus on warm-season crops.  This summer I'm just planting the basics - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos and green beans. Basil will be direct seeded in the raised beds soon. And I might toss in some summer squash seeds once the garlic is harvested. This year I'm trying a ground cherry for the first time. Let's hope the rest of the summer weather is uneventful.

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